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Cummings Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery, 3 Volume Set di Flint, Haughey, Lesperance, Lund

Nostro prezzo € 409,07 € 486,99 -16.00%
Disponibilità: Fuori catalogo - Non Ordinabile

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Autore: Flint, Haughey, Lesperance, Lund
Editore: Elsevier UK
Data di Pubblicazione: 2014
ISBN: 9781455746965
Pagine: 3624


2015 BMA Medical Book Awards Highly Commended in Surgical Specialties Category!

Now in its 6th edition, Cummings Otolaryngology remains the world's most detailed and trusted source for superb guidance on all facets of head and neck surgery. Completely updated with the latest minimally invasive procedures, new clinical photographs, line drawings, and new surgical videos, this latest edition equips you to implement all the newest discoveries, techniques, and technologies that are shaping patient outcomes. Be certain with expert, dependable, accurate answers for every stage of your career from the most comprehensivemulti-disciplinary text in the field!

New to this edition
  • Glean all essential, up-to-date, need-to-know information. All chapters have been meticulously updated; several extensively revised with new images, references, and content. 
  • Stay at the forefront of your field with the most updated information on minimally-invasive surgical approaches to the entire skull base, vestibular implants and vestibular management involving intratympanic and physical therapy-based approaches, radiosurgical treatment of posterior fossa and skull base neoplasms, and intraoperative monitoring of cranial nerve and CNS function.
  • Apply the latest treatment options in pediatric care with new chapters on pediatric sleep disorders, pediatric infectious disease, and evaluation and management of the infant airway.
  • Find what you need faster through a streamlined format, reorganized chapters, and a color design that expedites reference.
  • Manage many of the most common disorders with treatment options derived from their genetic basis.
  • Assess real-world effectiveness and costs associated with emergent technologies and surgical approaches introduced to OHNS over the past 10 years.
  • Incorporate recent findings about endoscopic, microscopic, laser, surgically-implantable, radiosurgical, neurophysiological monitoring, MR- and CT-imaging, and other timely topics that now define contemporary operative OHNS.
  • Take it with you anywhere! With Expert Consult, you'll have access the full text, video clips, and more online, and as an eBook - at no additional cost!

