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Oxford Handbook of Clinical and Healthcare Research di Ray

Nostro prezzo € 37,05 € 39,00 -5.00%
Disponibilità: Ordinabile in 10-15 giorni lavorativi

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Autore: Ray
Editore: Oxford University Press
Data di Pubblicazione: 2016
ISBN: 9780199608478
Pagine: 608


The Oxford Handbook of Clinical and Healthcare Research is an evidence-based, succinct, and easy-to-use reference for the full range of clinical and healthcare research topics. Providing a wide breadth of essential knowledge, this comprehensive text takes the researcher through the steps from general good clinical practice in healthcare research to the process and management of research. This handbook includes clear instructions on the legislative and practical requirements of commissioning, conducting, analysing, and reporting research for those in clinical or healthcare practice, education, or training. Written with Good Clinical Practice (GCP) education in mind, it includes valuable information needed for the accredited certificates and diploma-level benchmark exams now commonly required by employers. This is a definitive text for all clinical and healthcare research students, as well as graduates with an interest in clinical and healthcare research.

  • Reflects the latest legislative framework
  • Provides equal focus to qualitative and quantitative aspects
  • Covers the breadth of information required for GCP education and related examination, including FPH
  • Comprehensive start-up toolkit for new researchers in any health-related field

