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Green's Operative Hand Surgery, 2-Volume Set, 8th Edition di Wolfe, Pederson, Kozin, Cohen

Nostro prezzo € 367,99
Disponibilità: Ordinabile in 7-10 giorni lavorativi

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Autore: Wolfe, Pederson, Kozin, Cohen
Editore: Elsevier UK
Data di Pubblicazione: 2021
Edizione: 8
ISBN: 9780323697934
Pagine: 2400

Widely recognized as the gold standard reference in the field, Green's Operative Hand Surgery, 8th Edition, provides complete coverage of the surgical and nonsurgical management of the full range of upper extremity conditions. In a clearly written and well-illustrated format, it contains both foundational content for residents and fellows as well as new approaches, case-based controversies, and outcomes-based solutions for practitioners. Drs. Scott W. Wolfe,  William C. Pederson, Scott H. Kozin, and Mark S Cohen, along with new, international contributing authors, provide expert perspectives and preferred methods for all aspects of today’s hand, wrist, and elbow surgery.

