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Micro surgical endodontics di Castellucci Arnaldo

Nostro prezzo € 160,55 € 169,00 -5%
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Autore: Castellucci Arnaldo
Editore: Edra
Data di Pubblicazione: 2019
ISBN: 9788821448188
Pagine: 208

Microsurgical Endodontics, a term coined by the author himself, is a branch of Endodontics that allows to save dental elements otherwise lost and intended to be replaced with implants. The study of it means adding precious information to your knowledge in endodontics.

There are many indications of intervention, always linked to the failure of a previous treatment and may include solutions that, once put into practice, can resolve clinically complicated situations in a single session.
The text presents a complete examination of the diagnostic approaches, of the clinical procedures, of the necessary tools and of the possible complications that Microsurgical Endodontics involves. It presents a complete picture, both from the theoretical point of view and the practical aspect, in order to face every intervention with con dence, from the management of soft tissues to the early removal of a suture.

The Author is a world-renowned endodontist and has made the history of modern Endodontics. He is the founder of the Center for the teaching of Micro-Endodontics, based in Florence, where he teaches and holds theo- retical-practical courses of Clinical and Surgical Endodontics under the mi- croscope. He has participated and still participates as a speaker at numerous Congresses in over 50 countries;

The wealth of the clinical cases presented with long-term evaluation of the achieved results gives the volume an essential value.

