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Investigating Human Diseases with the Microbiome: Metagenomics Bench to Bedside di Huijue Jia

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Autore: Huijue Jia
Editore: Elsevier UK
Data di Pubblicazione: 2022
ISBN: 9780323913690
Pagine: 266

Investigating Human Diseases with the Microbiome: Metagenomics Bench to Bedside is a summary of underlying principles for human health and disease studies from a microbiome point-of-view. From birth to old age, microbiomes in fecal, oral/nasal, vaginal, and skin samples contain important information that can predict disease risks in the future. Tissue samples also contain microbes that are relevant for diseases. The microbiome connects genetic and environmental factors and is poised to greatly facilitate precision medicine, including prevention, diagnosis and effective treatment of many complex diseases.
