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Atlas of Pain Management Injection Techniques, 5th Edition di Waldman

Nostro prezzo € 206,99
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Autore: Waldman
Editore: Elsevier UK
Data di Pubblicazione: 2022
ISBN: 9780323828260
Pagine: 944

Ideal for hands-on, day-to-day use in practice, Atlas of Pain Management Injection Techniques, 5th Edition, helps you master the key nerve blocks you need to know to successfully treat 200 common and uncommon pain syndromes. Focusing on the “how to” details of pain management injection techniques, this bestselling atlas by Dr. Steven D. Waldman equips you to deliver safe, accurate and cost-effective pain relief to your patients using the most clinically appropriate imaging modalities. It demonstrates exactly how to evaluate the causes of pain, identify the most promising injection technique, locate the injection site with precision, and deliver effective relief to patients.

