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Developmental Biology - 11th international edition di Gilbert, Barresi

Nostro prezzo € 51,30 € 57,00 -10%
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Autore: Gilbert, Barresi
Editore: Sinauer Associates Inc.
Data di Pubblicazione: 2017
ISBN: 9781605357386
Pagine: 810

A classic gets a new coauthor and a new approach: Developmental Biology, Eleventh Edition, keeps the excellent writing, accuracy, and enthusiasm of the Gilbert Developmental Biology book, streamlines it, adds innovative electronic supplements, and creates a new textbook for those teaching Developmental Biology to a new generation. Several new modes of teaching are employed in the new Gilbert and Barresi textbook. The videos explaining development--as well as those from Mary Tyler's Vade Mecum--are referenced throughout the book, and several other valuable new elements have been added.

Additional updates include:

* An increased emphasis on stem cells, which are covered extensively and early in the book.
* Sex determination and gametogenesis, instead of being near the end of the volume, are up front, prior to fertilization.
* Greatly expanded coverage of neural development, comprising a unit unto itself.
* Coverage of new experiments on morphogenesis and differentiation, as well as new techniques such as CRISPR.

For Students

Significantly enhanced for the eleventh edition, and referenced throughout the textbook, the Developmental Biology Companion Website provides students with a range of engaging resources, in the following categories:

NEW Dev Tutorials: Professionally produced video tutorials, presented by the textbook's authors, reinforces key concepts.

NEW Watch Development: Putting concepts into action, these informative videos show real-life developmental biology processes.

Web Topics: These extensive topics provide more information for advanced students, historical, philosophical, and ethical perspectives on issues in developmental biology, and links to additional online resources.

NEW Scientists Speak: In these question-and-answer interviews, developmental biology topics are explored by leading experts in the field.

* Plus the full bibliography of literature cited in the textbook (most linked to their PubMed citations).

DevBio Laboratory: Vade Mecum3

Included with each new copy of the textbook, Vade Mecum3 is an interactive website that helps students understand the organisms discussed in the course, and prepare them for the lab. The site includes videos of developmental processes and laboratory techniques, and has chapters on the following organisms: slime mold (Dictyostelium discoideum), planarian, sea urchin, fruit fly (Drosophila), chick, and amphibian.
