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Pyrantel Parasiticide Therapy in Humans and Domestic Animals, 1st Edition di Marchiondo

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Autore: Marchiondo
Editore: Academic Press (Elsevier Group)
Data di Pubblicazione: 2016
ISBN: 9780128014493
Pagine: 158

Key Features

  • Easy-to-use reference guide on the anthelmintic pyrantel for clinicians, parasitologists, and researchers in human and veterinary medicine
  • Addresses current issues of resistance, along with combination uses against anthelmintic resistant parasites
  • Presents useful, authoritative information (chemical, pharmaceutical, clinical, etc.) for the pyrantel family of compounds
  • Includes a discussion on pyrantel’s potential role in combination therapies
  • Provides cutting-edge material, and will be an evolving area of scientific discussion of treatment options in the future


Pyrantel Parasiticide Therapy in Humans and Domestic Animals presents a single source history and reference on the parasiticide activity and pharmacology of the tetrahydropyrimidines and their salts in humans and domestic animals, also collating evidence that resistance to pyrantel has developed in human and domestic animal nematodes.

Other books of this nature have been compiled historically for specific anthelmintic compounds, but none has been written to date for the pyrantel family of drugs. Pyrantel, a nicotinic receptor agonist, has been used in domestic animal and human medicine since the 1970’s to control two important nematode groups, the hookworms and the roundworms.

Given the zoonotic potential of these parasites, pyrantel has served a dual role in helping to protect the health of both domestic animals and the public for more than 45 years.