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Advances in Pathobiology and Management of Paget’s Disease of Bone, 1st Edition di Reddy

Nostro prezzo € 64,95
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Autore: Reddy
Editore: Academic Press (Elsevier Group)
Data di Pubblicazione: 2016
ISBN: 9780128050835
Pagine: 158

Key Features

  • Discusses the current research of the nature of Paget’s disease and its response to the latest treatments which are seminal in the management of this disease
  • Helps users quickly assess the very latest details on the diverse scientific and clinical aspects of Paget’s disease, as opposed to searching through multiple journal articles in the literature
  • Presents work from featured leaders in Paget’s disease around the globe
  • Serves as a useful volume for basic scientists, graduate students, and practicing clinicians in understanding the pathobiology, etiology, and treatment of this disease



Advances in Pathobiology and Management of Paget’s Disease of Bone presents an essential collection of up-to-date knowledge about the pathophysiology, genetics, and treatment of Paget’s disease. It covers the comprehensive information related to clinical perspectives, epidemiology, genetics, environmental factors such as viral etiology, molecular abnormalities, complications such as osteosarcoma, and current and future treatment for Paget’s disease. This book serves as a useful volume for basic scientists, graduate students, and practicing clinicians in understanding the pathobiology, etiology, and treatment of this disease.
