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Neural Data Science: A Primer with MATLAB® and PythonTM di Nylen, Wallisch

Nostro prezzo € 42,30 € 47,00 -10.00%
Disponibilità: Ordinabile in 4-6 giorni lavorativi

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Autore: Nylen, Wallisch
Editore: Academic Press (Elsevier Group)
Data di Pubblicazione: 2017
ISBN: 9780128040430
Pagine: 250

MATLAB remains the dominant language for scientific computing and analysis in neuroscience, but a more general purpose option - Python - is emerging. This book addresses the snake in the room by providing a beginner’s introduction to the principles of computation and data analysis in neuroscience using both Python and MATLAB, which allows to transcend platform tribalism and enables coding versatility. 

Utilizing a Rosetta stone approach, including both MATLAB and Python in parallel

  • Introducing the canonical data analysis cascade, standardizing the data analysis flow
  • Introducing Comment pointers, which improve the readability of code
  • Introducing data marning
  • Introducing levels of coding principles, which improves the organize of code strategically, tactically and algorithmically
  • Implementing a deeply philosophical framework of 0 to 1 teaching