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Speakout. Upper intermediate. Student's book. Ediz. flexi con 2 espansioni online di Eales, Oakes

Nostro prezzo € 27,60
Disponibilità: Ordinabile in 4-6 giorni lavorativi

Quantità Descrizione Autore: Eales, Oakes
Editore: Pearson - Prentice Hall
Data di Pubblicazione: 2016
ISBN: 9781292161037

Based on authentic clips from the BBC's rich archive, these lessons are designed to consolidate language and act as a springboard for further speaking and writing tasks.

  • Twelve units with 90 to 120 hours of teaching material.
  • Comprehensive Language Bank with detailed explanations and extra practice.
  • Photo bank to expand vocabulary
  • Audio and video scripts
  • Refreshed with new visuals and texts, including content from the BBC and other sources.
  • A revised vocabulary syllabus with more recycling of language.
  • Clear signposting on the page to make teaching and learning easier.
  • Audio material for use in class
  • DVD content (BBC clips and interview)

Upper Intermediate: Global Scale of English 57-68

MyEnglishLab provides a fully blended and personalised learning environment that benefits both teachers and learners.

  • Interactive Workbook with instant feedback and automatic gradebook.
  • A common error report that highlights mistakes learners make.
  • Tips and feedback that direct learners to reference materials and encourage them to work out answers themselves.
  • Extra practice in grammar, vocabulary and skills.
  • Unit and achievement tests.
  • Mid and end of course tests.
  • BBC interviews.
  • Interactive worksheets for BBC interviews.